Theta Distressed Credit Opportunities Pool

Strategy & Implementation

TDCOP will allocate to 4-8 specialist managers at any time, depending on the evolving opportunity set, with a focus on investing in dislocated credit instruments and distressed debt and restructuring opportunities. TDCOP will allocate to managers in the structured credit, corporate and sovereign credit space in both developed and emerging markets that have the experience and infrastructure to capitalize on the increased volatility and dispersion in markets as well as anticipated restructurings and liquidations.

Attractive investment opportunities have been limited for distressed debt managers in recent years. We have used this period to secure capacity with the best managers who have been closed to new capital but are now opening up to capitalize on the suddenly vastly expanded opportunity set. TDCOP is expected from time to time offer co-investment opportunities when our specialist managers find attractive investments that due to sizing or liquidity constraints do not fit the flagship strategy. 

Theta Legends Fund and Theta Distressed Credit Opportunities Pool and its Fund Manager, Theta Fund Management B.V., are regulated by the Autoriteit Financiële Markten and the Dutch Central Bank. Theta Fund Management B.V. has an AIFMD License and is registered with the AFM with number 15000174.

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